Monday, 13 July 2015

Brand Management

Brands become iconic when they perform far beyond imaginary worlds rather than from worlds that consumers regularly encounter in their everyday life. Over time, a brand becomes a symbol, a material embodiment of the myth. The product is a medium through which customers can experience the stories that any brand tells. Brand management is about finding the brand's true essence and maintaining this compass it. Brands provide a material connection to the myth because it load the myth into products used every day. Iconic brands leap into emerging myth markets usually led by other mass-cultural products. A brand comprises of names, logos, and designs also a product does not have a history. They are devoid of meaning.  Famous brands names like (McDonald's, IBM), a logo (the Nike swoosh, the Travelers umbrella), a distinctive product design feature (Harley's engine sound), or any other design element that is uniquely associated with the product. The difference is that they have been filled with customer experience. Consumers the ultimate King of the market often find innovative offerings even if the offering or product is a very normal or standard product without any special design. It is observed that it is not important that any new business should have any specific new features, also some innovative cultural expressions needs to be put off the target.

Aasavari Gupta

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