Which brand suits your Personality
A Nayan Mittal work
A Nayan Mittal work
You presume, we assume
.But what you are actually at the end of the day is what you feel about yourself’s.
These factors give shape to a word called personality; sounds very common isn’t
it. Now before you associate your personality with attributes like young, smart,
unique, extrovert, influential, well-spoken, etc…….
Le me tell you that you
can relate your personalities with a brand.
Not all the brands have a
personality, or at least don’t possess a strong, unique personality. Those that
do have a significant advantage in terms of standing out from the crowd, having
a message and supporting a relationship with customers. Personality is an
important dimension of brand equity because, like human personality, it is both
differentiating and enduring. Once established it will provide benefits (or
harm) over a long time horizon. Creating or supporting a personality should be
part of the brand vision discussion.
Yes it’s true.
Let’s start with the
basic example which is shared by David Aaker in his book "building strong brands" in 1996 in which he explains the concept of brand personality which is still more or less significant in present day.
But first let’s get a
little theoretical to get our facts straight and go back to lessons. What is
brand personality? Brand Personality
can be defined as a set of human characteristics associated with a given brand.Therefore,
it includes characteristics such as gender, age, and socio-economic classical
well as classical human traits.
The people who own
Harley-Davidson associate with the Harley owners group or commonly known as HOG
associate themselves with three traits which are: personal freedom, American
patriotism and lastly being macho.
Marlboro is ‘masculine’ while Virginia Slims is
IBM is ‘older’ while Apple is ‘younger’
Today is
‘old-fashioned’ while Outlook is ‘trendier’
Coke is ‘conforming’ while Pepsi is ‘irreverent’
Axe-Seduction, masculinity, individuality, unconventionality
Marlboro-Masculinity, freedom, adventure
Levi’s-Rebellion, sensuality, being cool
According to the book of
Building Strong Brands by David Aaker he has recognized brand personality in creating brand equity which are explained below:
Self-Expression Model
Generally, it has become
that people express their own or idealized self in part by the brands that they
buy and use. Using Apple’s MacBook Pro expresses for some a non-corporate,
creative self-based in part on the perception that Apple-as-a-person is an
unpretentious, irreverent and somewhat off-the-wall person. The use of Betty
Crocker expresses the homey, maternal, nurturing side of some of its users
because Betty Crocker-as-a-person is a mother figure who is traditional,
small-town, and all-American, a person that cares about cooking and about her
family. Wearing the Nike brand is a personal representation of an active
lifestyle personality for many. Nike-as-a-person is exciting, provocative,
spirited, cool, innovative, aggressive, and into health and fitness.
The self-expressive power
of the brand can depend on the context. One study suggested that a brand
personality can transform the use experience by creating feelings during use.
Respondents were asked to project themselves into one of two scenarios. One
involved a break after a daytime hike on a mountain, while the other was during
a small evening barbecue with close friends. During the scene, the beer served
was either Coors or Löwenbräu. Coors, with its outdoorsy, active, healthy
personality, created feelings of “warmth,” “friendliness,” and “wholesomeness”
in the mountain setting, but not in the barbecue setting. In contrast,
Lowenbrau, with a warm, social personality, the reverse was true.
A brand can serve as a
person's personal statement even if that person were stranded on a desert
island. However, there are socially visible or "badge" brands,
particularly for statement products like cars and clothes, that have substantial
social impact and thus enhance to self-expressive brand role. Driving a Prius
or Mercedes provides a self-expressive benefit that is extenuated by awareness
that others will observe.
Relationship Basis Model
A trustworthy,
dependable, conservative personality might be boring but might nonetheless
reflect characteristics valued in a financial adviser, a lawn service, or an
auto brand such as Volvo. The concept of a relationship between a brand and a
person, analogous to that between two people, provides a different perspective
on how brand personality might work. For example, consider the following
relationship metaphors:
- A weekend fun companion: Pepsi might be better than Coke if perceived as a fun, energetic, social person.
- An old-fashioned mother: A down-to-earth, honest, genuine, reliable, always there for you personality brand like Campbell's Soup or Pepto Bismol might fit.
- A well-liked and respected family member: Warm, sentimental, family oriented, and traditional personality linked to growing up. Think of brands such as Hallmark, Kodak and even Coke.
- A person who you respect as a teacher, minister or business leader: An accomplished, talented and competent person as represented by IBM or the Wall Street Journal.
- A boss who exercises power or a rich relative: A pretentious, wealthy, condescending personality perhaps reflecting the personality of BMW, Mercedes or Lexus (with gold trim).
- A companion for an outdoor adventure: An athletic, rugged, and outdoorsy personality such as Nike or Wells Fargo.
Think of a brand
relationship that involves two-way communication. What might a brand say to
you? One customer segment who perceived a credit card brand as sophisticated,
educated, a world traveller and confident believed that the card would make
comments like:
-"My job is to help
you get accepted," and
-You have good
A second,
"intimidated" segment who considered the same credit card brand to be
sophisticated and classy but snobbish, aloof and condescending believed the
card-as-a-person would make comments such as:
-"I'm so well-known
and established that I can do what I want." and
-"If I were going to
dinner, I would not include you in the party."
The user segments had
remarkably similar perceptions of the brand, but the attitude of the brand
toward the customer was a big discriminator and the relationship metaphor helped
provide that insight.
Functional Benefit Representation Model
A brand personality can
also be a vehicle for representing and curing functional benefits and brand attributes. It can be easier to create a personality that implies a functional
benefit than to communicate convincingly that a functional benefit exists
directly. Further, it is harder to attack a personality than a functional
benefit. Consider:
The Harley Davidson-as-a-person rugged,
macho, America-loving, freedom-seeking individual who is willing to break out
from confining society norms of dress and behaviour suggests that the product
is powerful and is a bike with substance.
The Hallmark-as-person is sincere,
sentimental, warm, genuine, wholesome and ageless as well as being competent
and imaginative. This says a lot about the Hallmark offerings.
The Benetton-as-a-person is daring,
trendy, exciting, provocative, spirited and imaginative, and this affects
people’s perceptions of Benetton and its stores.
Michelin as reflected by the Michelin Man
has a strong, enthusiastic, energetic personality that suggests a tire with
strength and energy.
Wells Fargo, as represented by the
stagecoach, reflects an independent, cowboy type that delivers reliably.
Although competitors may actually deliver superior reliability and safety of
assets, because of the stagecoach, Wells wins the battle for perceptions.
The Energizer rabbit is an energetic,
upbeat, indefatigable personality who never runs out of energy--just as the
battery runs longer than others.
In the end, I hope you
have identified your brand with which you can relate your personality with. You
can also take brand personality test online on this link click here.
Nayan Mittal
Nayan Mittal
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