How Brand become Icons: the Principal of Cultural Branding
Douglas B. Holt
What is a brand?
A brand is
a name, term, design, or other feature that distinguishes one seller's product
from those of others. Marketers use the brand as a prop in advertisements,
films and sporting events. The brand comes in the mind of the customers and
they talk about it, this is how brand is formed and sustains in the minds of
the customers.
What is an Iconic Brand?
Iconic Brands can be defined
as a person or things regarded as a representative symbol, especially of a
culture or a movement; a person or an institution considered worthy of
admiration or respect. These are also called cultural icons because these
brands are imbued with stories that a customer finds it valuable in
constructing their identities. Customers flock to brands that embody the ideals
they admire, brands that help them express who they want to be becomes the
successful iconic brands. Some of the
iconic brands are Coke, Budweiser, Nike, Corona beer, Harley Davidson etc.

How brands become Icons?
Brand icons
are not built by the conventional branding strategies which focus on benefits,
brand personalities and emotional relationships but brand becomes icons because
of deeper cultural perspective on traditional marketing themes like targeting,
positioning, brand equity, and brand loyalty, which outlines a distinctive set
of "cultural branding" principles that will radically alter how
companies approach everything from marketing strategy to market research to
hiring and training managers.
There is
a systematic cultural branding model which helps brands to become Icons. The model
consists of Mind-share Branding, Emotional Branding and Viral Branding. The brand
which became an icon with mind share branding is Corona beer. The question is how it became a successful brand icon?
So here is the answer, the Mexican beer corona was one of the cheapest beer in
Mexico, it had a distinctive package design with all the connotations and an
attractive logo on its bottle, this is what it distinguishes from other brands.
Instead of all these characteristics they reached the minds of customers by
owning a beer category partying association and attendant user imagery. They also
held a campaign called “official
party animal”. This invoked
in people that party without a beer is useless and with its advertisements and
its better taste it became customer’s favorite beer brand. This is how it
became an iconic brand which people remember and identify because of some
history associated with it.
Tag Line: Relax
and chill out with a cold beer.
Another story of an Iconic Brand
Coke as we all know today and it’s the most
popular brand among youngsters has a successful story of an Iconic Brand. It is
one of the best examples of Emotional branding. But how Coke became an Iconic
Brand is a thing to wonder? So here is an interesting fact during the world war
Coca Cola Company shipped coke to the troops on the front lines and celebrated
the war effort in a blizzard of print ads, the troops used to treat the scarce
bottles of coke with religious zeal, drinking in the ritual confirmation of
their national pride. The coke
symbolized social and cultural integrity when people drank coke. It used a
symbol as humanistic plea for understanding and tolerance. Coke has such a
wonderful history associated with it and till now it has come up with lot of
new products and have changed the design of its bottles and its emotional advertisements,
popular brand ambassadors all of this has contributed in Coke being and Iconic
Brand. People love to drink as it refreshes them and creates happiness for
So there is a long history that defines how brands become an
Icon and how he culture revolves around in making them the same. These were the
two successful stories of Iconic brand which are admired by the customers. The author
also says that brand is made more by intuition and serendipity than its design
and customers and brands are both interrelated to each other.
Very informative :)
The article is interesting and provides a good amount of information about how brands become icons
The article is interesting and provides a good amount of information about how brands become icons
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